Ritual Tantra Massage
The Tantra massage is passive, which means that you can let yourself go, devote yourself completely to your senses, enjoy and relax. The purpose is the relaxation of the whole body as well as the expansion of the senses. In addition, you should also get to know and accept your own body better. Sexuality is also included. At Secret Tantra, tantra massages take place completely undressed. So eroticism plays an important role in this unconventional form of massage.
Here we apply gentle techniques to sensitize your erogenous zones. These sensual and lustful touches stimulate your sexual energy, which is distributed throughout your entire body. For the massage we use stimulating oils and substances. The opening of the senses leads to a deep relaxation of body and mind. Since man is for us a sexual being. That is why sexual energy is considered to be particularly important in a Tantra massage. In addition, a Tantra massage is excellent for reducing stress and achieving balance.
You will learn to control your sexual energies and prolong the high of orgasm.
In tantra massage, the Tantrika works with the whole body. In this way it relieves physical and sexual tension. You as a guest decide how far the Tantrika should go. However, the massages are not performed quickly, but start at at least one hour. You should therefore take the time to enjoy the tantra massage in peace and with all your senses. For this reason we start with a duration of at least 90 minutes.
Tantra is a term from the Indian Sanskrit and means as much as "stretching" or "weaving". In a Tantra massage body and mind should expand and interweave, so that there is no separation between them. The teachings of Tantra originated centuries ago in Southeast Asia as a counter-movement to the ascetic teachings of Buddhism and Yoga, which preached abstinence and renunciation. Tantra, on the other hand, prefers sensuality and balance. In the course of Neotantra, numerous commercial tantric schools were established in the 70s.
This full body massage can be a preparation for our Tantra ritual to develop trust and devotion. Or to overcome possible inhibitions.
In a Tantra massage you will also find the lingam- and prostate massage Sit.
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